What is the Electronic Headquarters?
Basic concepts:
The Electronic Headquarters is a virtual office that the Ministry of Labor and Immigration has launched on the Internet to attend to the right of citizens to interact with the Administration by electronic means, as established by Law 11/2007.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are revolutionizing how people and companies communicate with each other and with Public Administrations. In this context, the Public Administrations, committed to the principle of efficiency outlined in article 103 of the Spanish Constitution, are progressively adapting to these changes to offer citizens the advantages and possibilities of this new form of communication.
Advantages of using the Electronic Office:
ICTs make it possible to bring the Administration closer to citizens, in such a way that, from their own home or workplace, they can carry out the same procedure they did before in person, saving travel and waiting times. In addition, the Electronic Headquarters allows the use of available applications 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. It must be borne in mind that reception on non-business days will be understood to have been made on the first following business day.
Electronic Office Security:
From your arrival at the Electronic Office of the Ministry of Labor and Immigration you are browsing in a secure connection (all the information between you and the Electronic Office travels "encrypted" through the network). In addition, access through electronic certificates guarantees the identity of the person.