Action plan of the Ministry and applicable regulations
The Open Data initiative of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration is embodied in the Plan of measures to promote Reuse, the scope of which extends to all the Units that comprise it.
For their part, the Autonomous Bodies and Entities or Common Services of the Social Security dependent on or linked to it, are empowered to develop their reused plans, as well as to generate and exploit their respective web spaces.
The reuse of public sector information (RISP) consists of the use by natural or legal persons of information generated by public sector organizations to generate benefits for citizens, companies and Administrations.
The development of the RISP Plan promotes access to data sets that may be of interest to both private citizens and companies and institutions. The goal is for users to be able to access this information in a simple, effective way and a reusable format.
The regulatory framework that governs the RISP Plan of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration in Spain contains the actions provided for in Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the Reuse of Public Sector Information and by Royal Decree 1495/ 2011.
Action plan of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration and legal notice
Statutory regulation
Data catalogs
Central services
- Social Security data catalog.
- Data catalog of the State Public Employment Service.
- Data catalog of the Salary Guarantee Fund.
Data catalog of the central services of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration
- Legislation and jurisprudence on aliens and immigration. Search engine for regulations and jurisprudence on aliens and immigration at a national, European and international level.
- Official statistics of the National Statistical Plan - Visas issued at consular offices. The number of visas issued according to sex, nationality and place of issue, and other variables.
- Official statistics of the National Statistical Plan - Concessions of Spanish nationality by residence. The number of nationality concessions by residence according to sex, age and others.
- Official statistics of the National Statistical Plan - Foreigners with a valid registration certificate or residence card. File by province, autonomous community, national total and brochure of main quarterly results.
- Official statistics of the National Statistical Plan - Foreigners with study stay authorization. Disaggregated data file by province.